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Every month on the 11th day
Every month on the 11th day: we GATHER (via ZOOM )at 10:30 am for live music.
we OPEN at 10:45 am with prayer/meditation poetry
we CALL at 11:00 am making sacred noise with our instruments
we CLOSE at 11:11 with reading the Hopi Elders' letter
and highlight the ACTION FOCUS for the month.
We use bell ringing and sacred noise makers to call out the 11th hour of urgency for climate action.
Each month we focus on one climate action area with ideas for building intent and will.
Moving Vigil for Climate Action
September 27th 4-6pm
Meet at the Peace Park (just west of the Boulder Public Library along the creek). We begin with a beautiful water offering, walk past the Municipal Building, through Central Park, passing banks and other institutions of power, and then conclude at the County Courthouse. There will be stops along the way, where each faith community who wishes will have the opportunity to make an offering or prayer. Together, we weave our strong and diverse voices calling to ourselves, each other, and our leaders for collective action for a liveable world.
Banner & Sign Making for Vigil
September 25-26th
Mountain View United Methodist Church
We will be guided by Rachel and Josh from the art team Look Loud in how to create beautiful banners and signs representing our messages of faith for climate action. Your community will be able to keep your creations for any future climate events! All materials provided by GreenFaith International.
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