Together we call forth hope in action!
How to join:
NOTE: You are welcome to join our zoom event. Send your email request to 11thhourcalling@gmail.com
(The link for the ZOOM meeting will be sent to your email. Find a sacred noise maker or instrument and watch for the link . These are usually sent out on the first day of the month, with reminders on the 10th day.)
Find like-minded people in your faith community, neighborhood, or friend group and invite them to join you in the 11th Hour Calling event.
Talk to your church council, mission/outreach team, green team, masjid board, etc. to build community support.
Do you have access to sacred instruments like church bells, shofars, djembe, or meditation gongs? If not, use cowbells, musical instruments, or your voice in song!
Arrange a Calling on the 11th day of the month at 11:00 am.
Celebrate your connection and empowerment with others by posting your activity/event on the 11th Hour Calling Facebook Page
How to plan your own calling event:
Essential Decisions
Location: There are pros and cons of street corner, neighborhood parks, places of worship and government buildings. Maybe your back yard?
Signs: People need to know what is happening. There needs to be signage.
The Ask: What are we asking people to do? Maybe a website for actions? Maybe join us next month (making this a monthly “gathering?”) This could be on your sign or could be your faith groups climate action website or could be 11thhourcalling.org? Whatever makes sense to YOU. Maybe support a Green New Deal?
The Calling: Noisy and or spiritual but loud enough to hear and long enough to call. 11 minutes feels like an eternity (especially if you are alone) but that is part of the point. I think of my Lord Jesus.. asking Peter three times “do you love me?” After 11 minutes, you are calling.
The Presentation: This is a spiritual act and an ACT of witness and action. It is NOT about video sharing, but that may be part of it. In our experience, we have come to close each calling with a group photo (not advisable in these days of social isolation.)
The Agenda: Here is our usual agenda:
- gather at 10:30.
- 10:45 introduce ourselves to each other. 10 minutes of gathering with prayers, poems, meditation.
- 11:00 - 11:11 the Buddhist gong responds to the UMC church bell with solitary events (as planned for 4/22 this is a noise maker of your choosing.)
- 11:12 ending. This may be the time to take a selfie, picture, or short video to share -
Ending/Connection: Share your experience in whatever way you choose - including Facebook, 11thhourcalling.org, Zoom, etc. Share your thoughts?
Allies: These don't HAVE to be solitary events if 2-3 people can practice social distance and “gather” at the same location or remotely. To join our ongoing group, request the link by sending an email to 11thhourcalling@gmail.com
Share: Please share what you do on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/11th-HOUR-Calling-105063164190106/

Together in Hope Through Action!